“ If you are focused in life, you can make it ”
adjety’s story
KickStart Ghana support the local football team in Ho county, Ghana, called ‘Dynamo FC’. Yet only a handful of well-wishers and locals know who they are. With a need for an increase in funding and donations, that had to change.
In a poor part of West Africa, Dynamo FC presented a symbol of hope for ambitious young men and women. A place to make family. A place to play football. A place to escape generational poverty.
I decided to tell Adjety’s story specifically, as it symbolised not just the dreams his teammates shared, but the ones we all have in common; to realise our potential, to work hard, and to never give up.
After 3 weeks in Ho, I made a new friend, and created a video that has helped increase sponsorship for KickStart Ghana.
Self-Shooting Director: Carl Woods
Editing + Grade: Carl Woods
Production Ass.: Magda Kawapasiewicz
Sound-Mix + Score: Michael Winters
Production Company: Zedmill
Client: KickStart Ghana